Health Professionals for Cellular Medicine (HPCM)
HPCM is an international alliance of physicians, alternative practitioners and other health-oriented professionals. It aims to integrate scientifically based micronutrient research into practice and to disseminate it worldwide.
An important prerequisite for achieving this goal is to educate people about the importance of micronutrients and to provide them with qualified counseling. The more people we reach with this knowledge, the greater the likelihood that the wider public will sustainably engage with health and nutrition and learn about preventive, natural approaches.
HPCM members thus provide their patients with the latest scientifically based natural therapy options, offer them a say in therapy, and share health information on the prevention of diseases, both with them and with their professional colleagues.
By joining the HPCM initiative, you will not only expand your own knowledge in this new field of naturopathic medicine, but also directly support the establishment of a prevention-based health care system.
You can find more information on the HPCM website.