Dr. Rath Research Institute

Advanced Research & Development

The Dr. Rath Research Institute is an international research facility in the area of scientifically based natural medicine. The research conducted at this institute has confirmed a new understanding about the development of cardiovascular disease and the causes of cancer and other common diseases.

Founded in 1999, the Dr. Rath Research Institute has become a pioneer in researching micronutrients, in particular their regulatory function in cell metabolism—hence the name “Cellular Medicine”. A large number of scientific publications document the scope and significance of our research. All publications can be found on the Institute website or on PubMed, the world’s largest medical online library.

The research conducted at our institute increasingly confirms the superiority of Cellular Medicine over conventional approaches:

  • In the area of cardiovascular disease it has been shown that the main cause of arteriosclerosis is a weakened arterial wall due to chronic micronutrient deficiency. This finding calls into question the prevailing cholesterol hypothesis.
  • In cancer research, tests with over 50 different cancer cell lines have proven that a specific combination of micronutrients is able to inhibit the spread of cancer cells.
  • In the area of infectious diseases, it has been shown that specific micronutrient combinations are more effective in inhibiting bacteria of the Borrelia type (Lyme disease) than antibiotics.

In all these studies, the selection and testing of micronutrients played a special role, revealing in particular the principle of synergy—the mutually reinforcing interaction of individual components. This principle is evidenced by the results of numerous test series and scientific studies.

The scientific findings of Cellular Medicine research also form an essential basis for the development of high-quality and effective health products that are available as part of the Dr. Rath Cellular Nutrient Program.

The Dr Rath organization is a non-profit company/foundation. Therefore, all profits from the sale of the Dr Rath formulas are used solely to finance the scientific research at our Institute. In this way, every customer who buys a product from our company simultaneously promotes further natural health research.
