Dr. Rath Health Alliance

The Dr. Rath Health Alliance represents thousands of people from many European countries for whom natural health is of particular importance. Founded in 1998 by Dr. med. Rath, the Dr. Rath Health Alliance was formed from all those people who have learned about the scientific findings of Cellular Medicine and used them for their own health.

From the experiences that these people have made, an urgent desire has arisen to learn more about the modern natural healing research of Cellular Medicine, to share their own experiences with fellow human beings and to contribute to the dissemination of this knowledge.

The primary goal of the Foundation is to establish a Healthcare System, based on effective, side-effect-free and cost-effective natural remedies. Research and education on the efficacy and benefits of naturopathic treatments are therefore of special value.
Get to know the special features of Cellular Medicine and use the scientific findings for your own health. Become a partner for health and share your experiences to help other people.
